Sunday, March 20, 2011

50 Things in 77 Days


With all of the changes that have taken place lately in my life (slowly getting back good health and quitting work in order to do so), I have decided to re-evaluate my goals for this year. Some I am modifying, but most I am keeping, and their are others I may add as well.
 As far as writing goals:
1. Blog six days a week - is just too much, because I don't have something to say 6 days a week. I would rather write three really good posts a week than 6 mediocre ones!
2. Write 16th and Island (story about homeless family) - this goal I plan to keep, because I really think this story must be told. But as I will have more time and energy to work on it now, I have a new goal of working on it every day before I forget some crucial details about what happened!
3. Try to get 16th and Island published - this will be a huge mountain to climb, but I intend on giving it my best efforts!

As far as spiritual goals - I just need to get back on track, and I will, starting tonight! I want my relationship with God to be the most important thing in my life, but I tend to work and worry, like Martha, instead of pray!

As far as health goals - #18, Walk 60 miles a month, is just too much right now. So I am revising this goal to thirty miles a month, for now until I can get my stamina back. So far I have walked 19 miles this month!

Gardening goals - are being hampered by birds, earwigs, field mice, and gophers - uggghhh. But I am NOT giving up the dream of having my own garden, so it is time to go to war with these critters!

I have managed to cross # 34 -Learn 3 new calligraphy fonts off my list - I've learned Spencerian, Latin, and Uncial.

What are your plans/ goals for the week?


  1. It's great to reevaluate goals and modify as needed. I've been doing the same myself. I haven't needed to change any on my goals list since they aren't monthly goals. I've found it personally easier to have them laid out for the year and I'm usually fairly good at meeting them. I give myself leeway to bounce some to the next year. Lately though I'm thinking of setting out a weekly schedule to help me manage my time better. I hopefully will do that next week and post it on my fridge. Have a great week!

  2. Joyful - yearly goals instead of monthly may be a good idea! I'm working on setting up a weekly schedule myself, but will wait until after I quit working (this week) and get back from visiting my sick sister (next week!)

  3. Sounds like a lot of people are working on weekly schedules right now for the same reason ;-) so we'll be in good company. I wish you a safe journey to visit your sister. I've just said a little prayer for her. Blessings. xx

  4. Thanks Joyful! It is really God's timing that I was able to quit working in time to go help her out - she is having fainting spells, and has two little ones at home, and her husband had to go out of town for a business trip.


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